Will you be graduating one of your teens this spring? If so, are you thinking about doing a special family event within the covid-19 restrictions that we now have.
Finding a way to celebrate our graduates this year can be frustrating, but still can be done.
Here are a few ideas, which of course may have to be adapted for this season we are in. With covid-19 worries this year, many families will be celebrating at home, with family, or just with their own family within their own home.
Homemade Celebrations
Do you want to host a family graduation party? Let's Homeschool High School has lots of ideas for family oriented celebrations.
7 Sisters Homeschool has more ideas for a homemade ceremony here.
And Sue, from Journeying Sue blog, has a wonderful post on how she made her own graduation ceremony for her son.
It even includes a template for event planning here.
Homeschool Graduation Ceremonies
In our house, my daughter wanted to participate in a graduation ceremony.

It even includes a template for event planning here.
Homeschool Graduation Ceremonies
In our house, my daughter wanted to participate in a graduation ceremony.
This year our association still offered the ceremony and adapted it to be online.
Back a few years ago, we went to one in our state sponsored by our homeschool association, in person.
It was a regional ceremony, sponsored by WHO (Washington Homeschool Organization). And do you know what we had the day before? My teen's homeschool prom! Somehow, everything came off....
The next morning, we all got up early, ironed my teen's graduation gown, made sure our cameras had batteries, were chased by our kitten then finally headed out....
Our ceremony was held in the Puget Sound area, but many of the students came from across the mountains, from eastern Washington.
What is a homeschool graduation ceremony like?
The main part of the ceremony was the following: Each grad wrote up a short statement to be read at the ceremony, about their homeschooling years.....
It was a joy to listen to all of them. Each story reflected the individuality of each student. And what they each got out of homeschooling.
The parent was then called up to the stage, and they presented their teen the homeschool diploma. It was just beautiful. My husband wanted to be the one to do that, and I so enjoyed watching him give the diploma to my daughter.
Some teens were planning on going on to college or community college, others had vocational oriented plans, and some didn't know yet where they would be headed.... They all shared their homeschool experiences in their own way.
We were celebrating the achievements of every one of them! Here's the whole WHO Graduating Class...
It was a regional ceremony, sponsored by WHO (Washington Homeschool Organization). And do you know what we had the day before? My teen's homeschool prom! Somehow, everything came off....
Our ceremony was held in the Puget Sound area, but many of the students came from across the mountains, from eastern Washington.
What is a homeschool graduation ceremony like?
The main part of the ceremony was the following: Each grad wrote up a short statement to be read at the ceremony, about their homeschooling years.....
It was a joy to listen to all of them. Each story reflected the individuality of each student. And what they each got out of homeschooling.
The parent was then called up to the stage, and they presented their teen the homeschool diploma. It was just beautiful. My husband wanted to be the one to do that, and I so enjoyed watching him give the diploma to my daughter.
Some teens were planning on going on to college or community college, others had vocational oriented plans, and some didn't know yet where they would be headed.... They all shared their homeschool experiences in their own way.
We were celebrating the achievements of every one of them! Here's the whole WHO Graduating Class...
Homeschool Graduation Ceremonies in Your State
Many homeschool associations offer homeschool graduation ceremonies around the country. Just click the link above to see if your state hosts one.
Homeschool Proms
There are many statewide homeschool proms usually available, sponsored by the state homeschool organizations.
Homeschool Diplomas
For all you need to know about high school diplomas and where to get one, please click below:
Graduation reminded us of how happy we were that we homeschooled all the way. Having the opportunity to homeschool our daughter helped make the difference in her finding her own way and in her personal growth and in her faith.
Watching her learn and grow, we grew as a family. Together.
For more information on How to Have A Homeschool Graduation click the title, written by my friend, Vicki from 7 Sisters Homeschool.
They also offer a wide variety of PDF based homeschool high school curriculum and courses, all frugally priced. American Lit is less than $30.00.
More high school posts are on Pinterest here: Homeschooling High School Pinterest Board.
After helping my homeschooled high schooler get into each of the colleges she applied to, I wrote this high school guide:
Thanks for stopping by BJ's Homeschool,
Betsy is mom to her now college grad, whom she homeschooled through high school. She blogs at BJ's Homeschool, about the early years, highschool,
college, gifted/2e and wrote -Homeschooling High School with College in Mind, 2nd Edition, She offers homeschool help through messages at BJ's Consulting, and has had some of her articles picked up by the Huffington Post.
college, gifted/2e and wrote -Homeschooling High School with College in Mind, 2nd Edition, She offers homeschool help through messages at BJ's Consulting, and has had some of her articles picked up by the Huffington Post.
Want to stay in touch?
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Revised 2022
Revised 2022
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Congratulations to your daughter, and to you! Than you for sharing these special moments!
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop this week. We hope to see you drop by our neck of the woods next week!
Thanks for stopping by, Jill R. and sharing your comments! It is wonderful to share our graduation with you and your readers on the Thoughtful Spot! It has been a busy and special time for our family,